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I am deeply honoured to serve as President of the Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists (PRCP) and welcome you all to be involved in the activties of the College. I look forward to continuing the work of my predecessors to advance the development of psychiatry and promote greater professional collaboration in the Pacific Rim Region.

PRCP continues to play a leadership role in enhancing the the field of mental health care and development in the region, through academic exchange, mental health education and research. Such endeavours are crucial as we presently continue to face global challenges with regards to health, diversity and equality issues.

It is therefore relevant to highlight our official journal, Asia Pacific Psychiatry (APPSY), which is emerging as one of the leading  international psychiatric journal focused on the Asia and Pacific Rim region, in sharing research and evidence in mental health. I hope to see many more psychiatry and mental health colleagues submit articles and reviews, as well as clinically and educationally focused papers on current best practices. 

The PRCP has recently delivered a successful and wonderful congress in Seoul this year. The PRCP Board of Directors are presently working on the next PRCP Congress to develop a high quality scientific program.


Chee Ng
President PRCP

Healthscope Chair, and Professor of Psychiatry, The University of Melbourne

Director International Unit, St. Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia

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Prof. Mian-Yoon Chong, MD, PhD, FRCPsych

PRCP President, 2018 - 2021

It is my great honor and pleasure to serve you as the 19th president of Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists (PRCP). The PRCP was founded on May 14, 1980 with aims to promote research, training and the exchange of information between psychiatric professionals. I look forward to continuing the work of my predecessors who have laid a good foundation to enhance the tasks of PRCP: Participation, Responsibility and Collaboration among colleagues and countries in the Pacific Rim region.

One of the platforms for the exchange of information is the biannual scientific meeting. The recent successful 2018 PRCP congress in Yangon is an example and it was the first international psychiatric meeting that ever held in Myanmar. It inspired and motivated a group of early career psychiatrists who participated the educational and leadership workshops to establish a peer group (Young Asia Pacific Psychiatrists Network, YAPPNET) under the auspices of PRCP. We welcome our new members and look forward to work with you in any future endeavor.

We will also strengthen our relationship with other psychiatric societies in this region with greater participation in conducting seminars, training workshops or sponsor collaborative research in the area of mental health. We also hope to extend our collaboration to those countries where mental health has long been neglected or underdeveloped. I would like you to join and lead the special-interest groups (SIGs) that were set up in the last two years, to share your expertise among psychiatrists in this region and to publish your research, evidence and experience at our official journal-the Asia Pacific Psychiatry (APPSY).

Our next biannual scientific meeting (the 19th PRCP Congress) will be held in Seoul on April 8-10, 2021, hosted by the Korean NeuroPsychiatry Association (KNPA) who have good records in organizing successful congresses including the 15th PRCP Congress in 2012. In order to have more time to prepare a meeting, we are also considering Australia as a venue for the 20th PRCP Congress in 2023. I look forward to seeing you and it is a responsibility for all of us to actively participate in these and other activities and be proud of being a member of this prestigious academic society of psychiatry.

Mian-Yoon Chong, MD., PhD., FRCPsych
President, PRCP
Professor of Psychiatry, Chang Gung University School of Medicine, Taiwan
Vice-Superintendent, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chiayi, Taiwan

© 2024 by the Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists

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